Neurolite Academy Webinar | Repetitive Nervenstimulation
Anatomical Workshop Wet Lab | Lower Limb - AbbVie Medical Institute
Webinar | Neurographie N. peronaeus motorisch + F-Welle – Praktische Anwendung
NIBS Training Course
Ultrasound guided Botulinumtoxin Hands-On Workshop - AbbVie Medical Institute
Webinar | Panel discussion: EEG as Biomarkers for Psychiatric Treatment
Webinar | Frontiers in Neuromarketing: Innovative Insights from IQS’s Neuro & Digital Lab
Webinar | Neurographie N. tibialis motorisch und N. suralis sensibel – Praktische Anwendung
Webinar | Investigating Stress Patterns in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) through EEG Analysis
Webinar | MEDUSA©: An Innovative Software Ecosystem to Accelerate BCI and Cognitive Neuroscience Experimentation.
Webinar | Introducing TMS for depression
Webinar | Neurographie N. ulnaris motorisch und sensibel – Praktische Anwendung
Webinar | AI in Digital Brain Health with Applications for Montage Optimization and EEG-based Diagnosis and Prediction.
Webinar | Enhancing Balance and Gait in Aging with Non-Invasive Brain Modulation
Basisworkshop evozierte Potentiale 2023
Webinar | FLOW: an in-depth look at BEL's database management system, and its' novel capabilities for analysis scripts containerization
Seminar | Chancen, Grenzen und neue Optionen bei der Therapie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen
Webinar | Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Refractory Epilepsy
Webinar | QST and Phenotyping
Webinar | Why combine Neuroimaging (fNIRS) with Neurostimulation (tES) in research and clinical applications?
Webinar | Neurofeedback in Virtual Reality Naturalistic Scenarios for Enhancing Relaxation: Visual and Auditory Stimulation to Promote Brain Entrainment
Webinar | Electrical perturbation of human cortex
Webinar | Brain Stimulation Methods to Improve Memory Day and Night
Webinar | Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) in Alzheimer's dementia
Webinar | Hybrid Mobile Stroke Unit for prehospital management - acute stroke treatment and beyond
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Neurorehabilitation
Webinar | Fundamentals of tDCS
ARTscientific 2023
Webinar | Exploring Language Acquisition using HD EEG
Webinar | Individualized Targeting and Optimization of Multi-Channel tDCS in Focal Epilepsy - Case Study
Webinar | Pain Treatment with Therapeutic tDCS
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Pain
Kostenloses NIBS Webinar | tDCS und Flow
NIBS-Webinar | Therapeutic rTMS for OCD
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Depression - Accelerated TMS
EEG Markers of Cognitive Decline
Basisworkshop | Evozierte Potentiale
Training Course*
Webinar | Evozierte Potentiale – Abnorme Befunde & Filtereinstellungen
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Psychiatry an overview
Webinar | Conditioned Pain Modulation Basics and Updates
Webinar | IONM - Grundkenntnisse im Neuromonitoring
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Migraine
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Chronic Pain
Webinar: Introducing TSA2 Air, portable full-range QST
NIBS-Webinar | tDCS in Depression – Real-life experience
Webinar | 3 key points to save live with lung ultrasound
eSeminar | Diagnostik peripherer Nervenläsionen: Fallstricke
eSeminar | Fundamentals of EMG/NCS Waveforms
eSeminar | Monitored Video Ambulatory EEG: Who, Why, and How?
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Motor disorders
eSeminar | EMG/ENG: Optimierung für bessere Ergebnisse
Sooma Webinar | introduction to tDCS
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in a psychiatric practice in Switzerland
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Depression - the respective place of ECT, rTMS and tDCS
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Addiction
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Psychiatry - practical aspects
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Depression
PSG-Scoring Workshop Teil 2
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Schizophrenia
Webinar | AEP in der praktischen Anwendung
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS in Psychomotor slowing
PSG-Scoring Workshop Teil 1
Webinar | Integration of EMG and Nerve conduction studies
NIBS-Webinar | NIBS – Principles & safety aspects in psychiatry
6th Training Course 2021 in Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
Webinar | NIRS in naturalistic environments
Webinar | Stimulated potential analysis using concentric needle electrodes (SPACE) in paediatric EMG
Webinar | Clinical Neurophysiological Assessment of Motor Neuron Disease (MND): A Practical Approach
Webinar | VEP in der praktischen Anwendung
Webinar | Pediatric Sleep Testing – Special Considerations for Technologists
Webinar | From mechanisms to advanced applications of transcranial alternating current stimulation
Webinar | 3 key points to save lives with Lung Ultrasound
Webinar | Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
Webinar | Introduction to tDCS
Webinar | SEP in der praktischen Anwendung
Webinar | New CHEPS for TSA 2 – Fast. Precise. Easy.
e-Seminar - Epileptic seizures – part II: Localize focal seizures using video-EEG recordings
e-Seminar | Uncommon Nerves, Tips, Tricks and Pearls of Wisdom
Webinar | Introduction to TMS: From research to clinical application
Webinar | Tips and tricks to set up your TMS practice
Webinar | The cost-effectiveness of tDCS: from theory to practice
Webinar | RESEARCH - Perspectives of the use of NIBS for COVID-19 patients
Webinar – Initiation to Point Of Care Ultrasound in General Practice : Abdominal Ultrasound
L’échographie au service des urgentistes
L’ultraportable du terrain à l’usage libéral au cabinet et en ville
E-Seminar – Natus - Jitter recordings with concentric needle electrode
L’échographie cardiaque pour l’omni praticien et l’urgentiste
The contribution of pulmonary ultrasound to the management of the COVID 19 crisis
Symposium on Movement Disorders and Clinical Neurophysiology
Le médecin généraliste face aux urgences cardio vasculaires
SFND annual convention 2020
Basic and advanced course for nerve and muscle sonography
12. SGS-Jahrestagung 2020
11th Swiss Pain Congress
Symposium 2019 Swiss Headache Society
Advanced EMG and Neurography course
Epileptology Basic Further Education
4th SFCNS Congress
7th Update Neurosurgery
Symposium Neurorehabilation
PSY Congress SGPP 2019
Congress 2019 Clinical Neuroscience Bern (CNB)
11. Congress of DGfE e. V., ÖGfE e. V. and SEL
5th Training Course 2019 in Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
IOM Course - Theory and Practice of Intraoperative Monitoring (IOM)
SFND-Symposium «Sleep»
11th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sport Science
22nd Annual Meeting 2019 - Swiss Stroke Society SSS
St.Galler Schmerzsymposium
10th Swiss Pain Congress 2018
Symposium "Tailor-made Depression Treatment"
Symposium "Intersections of Epileptology and Psychiatry
Precura in Zurich main station
Day of the sleep center GZO hospital Wetzikon
Symposium 20 ans du Service de neurorééducation
Planète santé
SNG Jahrestagung 2018
International Seminar on the new classification of epilepsies and epileptic
Jahreskongress SGSSC
11.Symposium der Privatklinik Meiringen im Jubiläumsjahr
11. Symposium der Privatklinik Meiringen
PSY-Kongress | SGPP Jahreskongress
SGPP Jahreskongress 2018
Célébration des 50 ans d’existence de l’ASDN
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in psychiatry
Burnout und Depression zwischen Familie und Arbeit
Gemeinsame Tagung der SGKN und der Schweizerischen Epilepsie-Liga
4th Training Course 2018 in Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
Symposium: Abhängigkeitserkrankungen im Fokus: Therapie quo vadis?
Tri-National Meeting 2018
NeuroSpine Meeting 2018
21st Annual Meeting SSS
Swiss Pain Congress
Europäischer Kongress für NeuroRehabilitation 2017
Jahrestagung 2017 Swiss Neurological Society
Schweizer Kongress Interprofessionelle Rehabilitation
Symposium "vom Smartphone bis zur Robotik"
SGPP Jahreskongress 2017
BaCI-Conference 2017
Stroke Summer School 2017
3th Training Course 2017 in Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
Stroke Summer School 2018
A novel approach for treating cocaine addiction