8 November, 2018 - 8 November, 2018
The Swiss Epilepsy Clinic of the Lengg Clinic and the University Psychiatric Hospital Zurich invite you to a symposium on 8 November 2018 as part of the series "Epileptology and Psychiatry Intersections". We are delighted to welcome the Paraplegic Centre of Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich as a guest clinic.
The first part of the symposium will review dissociative symptoms from an epileptological, psychiatric and paraplegic perspective and highlight current issues in diagnosis (differential) and treatment.
In the second part, we present alternative approaches to the treatment of depression and epilepsy. Emphasis is placed on practical and treatment-related aspects.
Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018
Time: 14.00 to 18.00 hours