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EEG Systems

Neurolite offers you a selection of the best systems available for routine EEG, video EEG, epilepsy long term monitoring (LTM), brain function monitoring for the intensive care unit (ICU), sleep diagnostics and ambulatory recordings from leading brands like Natus and EBNeuro.

Systems EB Neuro for routine standard EEG

Value and design for high-quality routine EEG.

BE Plus LTM wireless (Wifi), battery-powered system for Video LTM and EEG with a maximum of movement freedom and high technical specifications.

BE Plus LTM is a versatile system offering powerful capabilities in LTM (Long Term epilepsy Monitoring): high number of channels, Wifi connectivity, on board memory…

ambulatory EEG BE micro holter trackit trex

BE Micro: the smallest ambulatory EEG recorder on the market. Small, light-weighted, comfortable. For home or laboratory, EEG or PSG recordings.

Neuronaute nomad EEG portable Holter Video ltm long term monitoring Trex Trackit Bioserenity

The Neuronaute is a connected EEG recorder that expands your EEG diagnostic options:

Wireless EEG device for Basic research, Brain Computer Interface, Medical applications, Neurofeedback training

Enobio is a wireless EEG device for Basic research, BCI, Medical applications, Neurofeedback...

BEL EEG System One – the new high resolution and reproducibility EEG

The BEL EEG System One is the foundation of the Geodesic EEG Ecosystem – an environment built for human neurophysiology research.

Natus Accessories EMG NCS EP EEG DCN concentric needle electrode cup gel cable

The Natus selection of accessories is designed to suit your clinical setting and specific applications.