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TSA 2 Air

TSA 2 Air – air-cooled QST

TSA 2 Air is the latest product designed by Medoc that allows to perform all quantitative sensory testing modalities with a portable and air-cooled device. Thanks to its wide temperature range, standard protocols described in the guidelines of the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain can be fully carried out with this device. As its temperature control rate reaches value up to 10°C/sec, it is also possible to perform dynamic QST: offset analgesia, test stimulus in conditioned pain stimulation (CPM), phasic/tonic temporal summation.

TTL In and Out ports can be used for synchronization with external devices and platforms.

The TSA 2 Air can be useful in the diagnosis of small fibre neuropathies, chemo-therapy-induced peripheral neuropathy, diabetic polyneuropathy, and other types of somatosensory abnormalities that may be caused by central or peripheral nerve damage or dysfunction.

The unique features of TSA2 Air:

  • All thermal modalities (Cold sensation, Cold pain, Warm
  • sensation, Heat pain)
  • Gold-standard 30x30 mm thermode
  • Air cooled for easy maintenance
  • Portable device
  • TTL In and Out for synchronization with external devices
  • External control through Matlab, Phyton, and other platforms