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OctaMon M

The first portable 8-channel NIRS device for muscle oxygenation measurements

The first portable 8-channel NIRS device for muscle oxygenation measurements

The first portable 8-channel NIRS device for muscle oxygenation measurements
OctaMon M is ideal for capturing muscle activity while having the freedom to perform daily tasks including exercise. It works with multichannel LEDs, giving you continuous and real-time feedback in our data analysis software, delivered with the system. With the OctaMon M, we focused on the usability and portability of NIRS while providing the same data quality as a large NIRS system.
Like the PortaLite, the OctaMon M measures changes in oxygenation in terms of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and total hemoglobin. The OctaMon M is a very lightweight and plug-and-play device with close to no setup time. This device can be applied in a variety of dynamic settings as often required in neuroscience and sports science.

Main features

  • Measures local tissue saturation index (TSI or TOI) as well as oxy-, deoxy- and total hemoglobin
  • Mobile measurements and Bluetooth connection to laptop up to 100 meters
  • Up to 50Hz sampling rate 
  • Fast-charging battery that lasts up to 6.5 hours on a single charge
  • Portable, lightweight and small device (210 g)
  • Easy analysis of your data with our superior analysis software OxySoft.
  • Optional: synchronization and acquisition of external data
  • Can be combined with other techniques such as ECG and EMG