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PortaMon MKIII

 PortaMon is a wireless NIRS muscle research hemoglobin oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin

The PortaMon is a wireless NIRS device that is specifically designed for muscle research.

The PortaMon is a wireless and portable NIRS system specifically designed for measurements on muscle tissue. The system measures changes in oxygenation in terms of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin changes, providing indications of the blood volume and flow in the muscle in any environment. Furthermore, it calculates the tissue saturation index (TSI), which reflects the average saturation of the underlying muscle tissue.

The PortaMon MKIII version brings powerful improvements compared to its predecessor:

  • More ergonomic design for better fit on every muscle
  • Integrated short-separation channel (SSC) and multi-power gain control for improved signal quality
  • 10-times higher sample rate to have the possibility of acquiring additional signals
  • Improved user interface and haptic feedback on device status
  • Possibility to add an integrated motion sensor to simultaneously record movement data
  • Sweat-proof to ensure measurements during any type of exercise
  • Delivered with specially designed accessories to provide better fixation and light protection


  • All key features in a snapshot:

  • Truly portable and wireless for measurements in any setting
  • Measures oxy-, deoxy-, total haemoglobin and TSI
  • Two receivers, three transmitters
  • Improved signal quality with built-in short separation channels & integrated multi-power gain control
  • Sweat-proof makes it durable for sports science or rehabilitation research
  • Bluetooth connection to laptop up to 100 meters
  • Online or offline measurements
  • Up to 6 hours at 100 Hz with fast charging battery
  • Lightweight – only 30g
  • Superior analysis software, Oxysoft
  • Optional built-in accelerometer
  • Easy to combine multiple devices with perfect synchronization to measure various muscles simultaneously