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Sleep Medicine

Embla stands for high quality in the world of sleep medicine. You will find here the best solution for each of your diagnostic requirement, from level IV screeners to level I full PSG (polysomnography) systems.

Modularity by Embla®: from Home Sleep Testing to full PSG (polysomnography).

Embla® laboratory-based equipment: a gold standard among sleep diagnostic systems.

Embla® RemLogic™: The world’s most widely accepted sleep diagnostic. Diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) and other sleep disorders (differentiate central and obstructive apneas, hypopnea, cardiac-, neurologic- and respiratory-related sleep disorders, optimize your PAP (Positive-Airway-Pressure) therapy…).

Embla® RemLogic™: The world’s most widely accepted sleep diagnostic software

SleepWorks Polygraphy / Polysomnography-Software

SleepWorks Polygraphy / Polysomnography Software: the extensive, flexible and cyber-safe sleep diagnostic solution.