



Webinar | Enhancing Balance and Gait in Aging with Non-Invasive Brain Modulation

30 Novembre, 2023 - 30 Novembre, 2023

Join us for an exclusive talk with Dr. Junhong Zhou, Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, as he discusses his innovative research in gerontology and rehabilitative medicine. Discover how his pioneering work in transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) has shown potential in improving dual-task balance control, opening new avenues for enhancing the quality of life for older individuals.

In this session, we'll cover:

  • Neurological Mechanisms Overview: we'll explore how dual-task gait and balance mechanisms work, unveiling the complexities of these functions in humans.
  • Impact of Aging and Age-Related Diseases: we will focus on how aging and age-related diseases affect dual-task gait and balance and provide insights into their impact on these critical functions, which is relevant given the aging population worldwide.
  • Promising Outlook for tDCS Implementation: Dr. Zhou's expertise will provide a current state of research and offer insights into the promising future of implementing tDCS to enhance dual-task gait and balance across diverse populations. This implies that brain stimulation could be a potential intervention for improving these functions in both healthy individuals and those affected by age-related conditions.


About the speaker

Dr. Junhong Zhou, Ph.D. - Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Dr. Junhong Zhou, Ph.D., holds the position of Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and serves as an Assistant Scientist II at the Hebrew SeniorLife Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research. His research is dedicated to the fields of gerontology and rehabilitative medicine, where he focuses on developing innovative strategies to enhance functional independence in aging populations. Dr. Zhou has a remarkable track record with over 70 peer-reviewed publications to his name, including contributions to esteemed journals such as Lancet Healthy Longevity, Movement Disorders, and Annals of Neurology. One notable achievement in his body of work is the application of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to target prefrontal brain regions, which has demonstrated potential in improving dual-task balance control. This pioneering research opens new avenues for addressing age-related challenges and enhancing the quality of life for older individuals. Dr. Zhou's contributions stand as a testament to his commitment and expertise in gerontology and rehabilitative medicine. His research findings hold significant promise in advancing our understanding and treatment of age-related conditions, ultimately offering hope for improved functional independence among older populations.


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